EverLawn® products are manufactured by a technologically advanced system to produce the most natural looking artificial garden grass available in the UK. Distributed by Eazy Grass Ltd.
EverLawn® has rapidly become the preferred option for garden enhancement and those who purchase EverLawn® immediately appreciate the advantages of life without mowing, edging, raking, spiking, feeding and weeding.
Imagine increasing your leisure time and admiring the visual impact of your perfect lawn!
EverLawn® was created in 2006 and became a registered brand in 2007. The brand was created by Eazy Grass Ltd formed in 2007 with the assistance of specialist yarn producers from the UK, America and the Netherlands brought to market a truly unique and exciting
artificial grass range.
Our intention was to produce and supply the UK with an advanced synthetic surface for the sports and leisure industry. A product so close to real grass it would be mistaken for the real thing and in doing so seeing the end of the insipid unpopular astroturf style type of grass.
Our success in the production of fine, high quality, soft yarns with a rich density and a real green composite matched real grass in every way. The launch of our first product EverLawn® Premier took everyone by surprise and with the introduction of additional products EverLawn® has now been recognised as the UK’s finest artificial grass brand for its realistic appearance and durability.
Since the production of EverLawn® Premier there has been many different types produced and the company now manufacture and stock popular choices and produce white label products for wholesaler and large retailer.
Adding more value to the brand is the addition of Yarnsheild™ to the yarns. This protects the yarn monofilaments from ultraviolet rays throughout their lifetime expectancy which is between 25 to 30 years.
In addition to the UV protection is PetGuard™. This special formula protects the yarn monofilaments from the discolouration caused by pet urine and this also protects the monofilament fibres for the lifetime expectancy of the products.
All of the products produced by EverLawn® carry the trusted certified European logo.